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How Can I Give to World Agape?

World Agape Inc. is a California based non-profit, public benefit charity and as such subject to the scrutiny of both federal and state entities. Our financial reports are available to the public and will be provided upon request. All gifts donated to the projects and operations of World Agape are Tax-Deductible.

Donation by check:

Please send your Tax-Deductible check to:
World Agape Inc.
P.O. Box 660655
Arcadia, CA 91066-0655

For Donation to Bilingual Devotionals:

Please write on your check
Memo: Bilingual Devotionals Project

Donation by Wiring:

World Agape Inc.
Bank Name: Bank of America
Account: 325003212787
Routing number: 026009593

Donation by Credit Card:

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© World Agape 2006     Phone: (626) 447-9300     Email: